
Mass effect 3 class
Mass effect 3 class

Sorry, Engineers, but it's a well-known fact that Adepts in ME1 are downright broken. So, let's start in Mass Effect 1, in which the Adept is the obvious pick.

mass effect 3 class

Now, because the Legendary Edition will be a remaster of the whole Mass Effect trilogy and some classes received major changes between games, I think it's important we look at the classes from a game-to-game perspective. Technically, you could also play a Sentinel as a powers-only character, but for the purposes of this article we're going to overlook the tech-tank. Engineers are the tech-wizards of the Mass Effect universe, and the best class at stripping an enemy of their defenses. Adepts are the pure biotics in the Mass Effect universe, using their abilities to manipulate gravity and detonate powerful explosions. In Mass Effect you have a couple of options for a powers-based character. Personally, I've always gravitated towards mage and mage-like classes in video games.

mass effect 3 class mass effect 3 class

Now, however, they're releasing tons of information regarding Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and it's got me wondering: which class am I gonna play? Announced last N7 Day, along with the teaser for an entirely new Mass Effect game, BioWare had been pretty quiet about the Mass Effect games in the works. Like many other fans of the Mass Effect series, I've been excitedly inhaling any and all information regarding the original trilogy's remaster.

Mass effect 3 class